The flowery bliss


It’s not just banana fruits that are edible with it’s vast range of usefulness but also it’s flower. Their rich pink texture makes them gorgeous like any other flower but their beauty in complete amalgamation with amazing properties unveils in not just one or two but six different fields.

  • It is a rich source of fiber and so it helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.
  • It stabilizes the glucose and cholesterol levels in the body, preventing diabetes bowel disease, coronary heart diseases and other diseases on the same line.
  • It has high quality protein in it because of its well balanced amino acids, high dietary fibers and flavanoid concentrations. So, all you body builders out there you know an addition to your protein supplements instead of your unhealthy protein shakes.
  • Did you know that these Banana Flowers are rich sources of minerals? They contain high concentrations of minerals, such as magnesium, iron and copper. And minerals play a huge role in our bodies, from bone structure to regulating blood level to metabolism. So, yeah, go bananas!
  • Women out there, listen up! Cook a banana flower and add 1 cup of yogurt. That would be your remedy to control menstrual bleeding and menstrual pain.
  • These flowers also have anti-oxidant properties. These antioxidants are known to be the cure to cancer. Its anti-microbial properties helps in reducing blood sugar levels and in increasing the haemoglobin levels in your body.

Too much science for you? Okay to sum in all up, make them a part of your diet as it will do wonders to you.

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