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Cook your pasta right!

A few tips and suggestions to cook a meal of tasty pasta, the right way! This favourite Italian dish is a warm favourite of many. There are different types and brands of pasta products available in the market nowadays. The packets do have cooking instructions as to how to boil the ingredients and method of preparing the same. However here are a few hot steps to follow while cooking your pasta meal.

Boil Water – To cook evenly and prevent it from sticking together, pasta needs “breathing” room. Use a deep saucepan and at least 4 quarts of water per pound of pasta. Salt is added to the cooking water, not to lower the boiling point, but rather to season the pasta. If you don’t season the cooking water, the pasta may taste flat–no matter how salty the sauce you dress it in.

Pasta should be cooked until it’s tender but slightly firm to the bite. If it’s going to be used in a recipe–like baked ziti, macaroni and cheese, or lasagne–it can be even firmer, since it will absorb liquid and cook more in the oven; here add salt while boiling only if required. The longer you cook pasta, the mushier it gets. Don’t rely on the clock to evaluate doneness. Use those teeth!

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