Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Idli upma

As mentioned in my articles on Idlis with podi (gun powder) and Kanjeepuram idlis, these steamed cakes are the original South Indian delights, ideal for a yummy breakfast or light dinner. Since I make idlis at least twice a week, to break the monotony, I prepare the idli upma. The coarsely mashed idlis seasoned with split Bengal gram and split black gram gives a nice crunchy touch to the dish. This dish is easy to make and tasty too! The idli upma is also an ideal evening snack to serve for your kids on a lazy holiday or even when they return tired from school. This dish tastes better when made with the leftover idlis of the previous day, as the idea behind this is not to use piping hot idlis.  Since the idlis when made at my home never remain as left overs, I intentionally grind extra batter to experiment the varieties of idlis and dosas.

Savour the simple yet yummy idli upma…



Preparation Time: 5-10 minutes

Serves                 : 4


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