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Unusual Valentine’s Day Ideas

It is that time of the year again. A time, when people all over the world are in a mood to celebrate love. Available, are the usual gamut of  gifts, the roses, plush toys and candy, but this year consider doing something different. It will liven up the atmosphere and become an unforgettable memory for your Valentine . Whether you are celebrating with your lovers friends or family members, make this Valentines Day different.

Make a special “Date Hamper”: This Valentines, why don’t you create a hamper/ box full of things that would make a perfect valentine’s night. This works as a great gifting idea either for you and your date, or for a couple you want gift. For example, for a movie enthusiast , you can pack couple of DVDs and some popcorn with customized toppings to sprinkle over it. For wine connoisseurs , you could indulge your valentine with their favourite wine, along with cheese , bread and some scented candles. The beauty of this idea is that it can change according to the person or couple you preparing the hamper for.

Sponsor for animal care: You don’t have to stick to humans this valentine. Spread your love to other species. If you love animals, make a donation to a charity for animals that helps those in need. Choose a local pet shelter, a wildlife care facility or you could select from a number of medical care and sanctuaries to animals like bears, elephants, wolves and tigers etc.

Chocolate “sushi” anyone?: It sounds bizarre. But don’t worry, these delectable sushis are designed to make every Valentines Day beautiful. Making this can be time consuming, however when you do it with a loved one it makes the experience special. The rice in a sushi can be substituted with grated white chocolate, with shredded coconut, crispy rice or a marshmallow mixture. the “nori” or the seaweed wrap of the sushi can be substituted with dark chocolate strips.Try pieces of mango or pineapple, and use crushed raspberries in place of the fish. Your mouthwatering valentines dessert is ready!

A “midnight picnic” is always romantic: If you want to do something really cute and sweet this Valentines, then a midnight picnic is an apt event to plan for your beloved. You can either wake your valentine in the middle of the night to surprise him/her with a picnic spread. Go out for a walk or a long drive under the moonlight sky. This is also fun to do if you have kids not to leave alone

Do absolutely nothing: You could always choose to go against the grain of forced, expected displays of affection on this day. Make this an a special Valentines day. Don’t do anything special, don’t make any big fuss and instead, do something sweet and adorable on each of the remaining 364 days ’til the next time V-Day rolls around.

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