Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Spicy Guacamole

Why do we always retreat from the heat? Yes, its hot, so what! Summer doesn’t necessarily have to mean lean salads and bland food. In fact in retrospect something hot and chunky wouldn’t be a bad option to dig your appetite in on a sultry, bland tropical summer weekday. Seriously, why don’t we just throw our hands up in the air and say Me encanta Mexico!

Guacamole is an avocado based dip from Mexico that’s made by grinding avocados in a mortar and pestle- the addition of garlic, onion and tomatoes varies from region to regions or more likely taste bud to taste-buds. So, now the only Mexican dip you know how to prepare is not salsa anymore.



Boil the peas in warm water. Smash with fork and keep aside. In another bowl smash the avocados and mix in the peas and other ingredients except tortillas and olive oil. Serve immediately with tortillas and drizzle olive oil.



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