Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Watercress- a peppery delight

Watercress is leafy vegetable from Europe. It is also known as herb in some parts of the world.  It has a peppery taste and is a rich source of calcium, iron and folic acid. It acts as a stimulant and aids in the digestion process. It is also known to prevent cancer. Because of its high iodine content it also helps in strengthening the thyroid gland. It is also known to increase productivity and cleanse blood.

It is widely used in soups. It tastes wonderful when tried hot with sauces and pastas. It is extremely well with flavors of garlic, chilly, soy, ginger. It can also be served with salads, sandwiches and burgers. The juice is also another healthy option to choose from.

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