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Rejuvenate your day with a cup of tea!

Cup of tea

Cutting Chai as many call it, tea has been around since ages. Almost everyone loves tea and there are many reasons for it. A cup of tea a day keeps you refreshed. Be it iced tea, green tea or black tea, every different type showers you with umpteen number of benefits. High in theanine and caffeine it gives the brain the necessary boosters leaving you energised.

The history of tea is as amazing as its strong aroma. Dating back to 2737 B.C., tea was first discovered by a Chinese emperor Shen Nong. He was skilled, creative and a lover of art. One of his rules were to boil drinking water in order to maintain hygiene. On a sunny day when he visited a distant region, he and his court decided to rest. His servants started boiling water for his court to drink. Accidentally, dried leaves of a nearby bush fell in the water. As a result a brownish colour liquid infused in the water. The scientific side of the emperor got him interested in the liquid and he drank some. It tasted really good and found it refreshing. More leaves were plucked and they then started growing the plant. This is how tea originated and it continues to be a favourite among many!

Wrinkle ravage: Step away from looking older as days past with some tea. Its antioxidant properties makes you look younger as days pass.

Brain power: Reduce your caffeine intake by drinking tea instead of coffee. Let me remind you, caffeine is not just bad for you but it is horrible for our health.

Love your heart: Tea drinkers out there, I know you love your heart and it loves you back. Tea makes your arteries smooth and prevents any heart disease or strokes.

Skeleton strength: Traditionally it is thought that milk helps to strengthen the bones and tea bags are dipped for its amazing taste, but no! The tea combines with milk to strike strength into your bones!

Tea boxing: Fight against various diseases coming your way. Tea helps in bolstering the immune system of your body.

Beat the sun: Don’t worry about dehydration as you plan your day under the hot sun as long as you have some yum tea on your way every time your tired.

Stay slim: Even if you drink tea a million times a day, you are not going to put on weight. Thanks to its calorie free characteristics.

Burn faster: Tea drinkers, you are sure to have a fast metabolic rate. This is because tea speeds up the metabolism rate in your body.

So the ones who love it, be proud of your choice and the ones who loathe it will surely start having it after reading this! So grab your cup, make some tea and you are all set to rock!

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