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The King of Fruits – Mango!

The mango—Mangifera Indica has been a fruit eaten in South East Asia for over 4000 years. There are over 1000 varieties of mango. Mangoes are a comfort food. The   enzymes in it act as a digestive aid giving this feeling of comfort. The fruit is full of protective nutrients and hence known as “king of the fruits”.

Every part of the mango is beneficial –the leaves, the bark, the skin, the seed etc. in India mango leaves are a must during festive occasions.

The mango contains –

-phenols which is an anti-oxidant and anti-cancerous


-low carbohydrates

-all four known anti-oxidants …vitamin A(betacarotene), vitamin E vitamin C and selenium which help to to prevent cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. It tones up the heart muscle.

The mango is said to be –

A substance –mangiferin found in bark of the mango tree is believed to inhibit the growth of tumours. 

The raw as well as the ripe mango is a very good tenderising agent. The raw mango powder is used both as a seasoning and a tenderising aid as well. Mango juice is not only prepared from ripe mangoes but a drink prepared with raw mangoes is a great restorer of energy during the hot summer days.

Pickles, jams, juices, marmalades are prepared with mangoes besides its role in various cuisines.

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