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Indian Gooseberry

The Indian goose berry as the name suggests is indigenous to India. It has been used in India and the Middle East since time immemorial. Shushrut the great authority on Ayurveda considers it the best of all fruits and most useful for health in treating and avoiding diseases. It is said that the ancient sage Muni Chyawan rejuvenated himself in his late seventies with its use!

The gooseberry contains calcium, phosphorous, iron, catorene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin C.  It is chiefly valued for it’s high vitamin C content which is not destroyed even by cooking or drying.100 gms of  fresh fruit contains 470 -680 mg of vitamin C. It has been used extensively by ayurvedic physicians and hakims. The fruit is acrid, cooling, refreshing.

Gooseberry is used to

It is used in pickles, marmalades, murrabba, jelly, chutney etc. It is the vital ingredient of the health tonic “Chyavanaprash”.

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