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Know Your Food: Pear


Let’s begin this know-how with a fun fact. How many times have you kept a pear half eaten, only to return to it, browned? Smile on ‘coz we know it has. What a disgusting thing to look at and even more disgusting was the fact that we didn’t know why it happened. Thanks to science that the answer is now clear: the iron containing enzymes in the fruit reacts with oxygen and produces rust on top of the fruit!


Well, brighter side is it contains iron in ample amount and also a bucket of minerals and vitamins that’ll awe you! Take a look at this:

Nutritive Values of a Pear Per 100 gm in standard units


To top, it also has numerous health benefits like:

Building up your immune system, aiding in curing diabetes: Most of its sweetness come from levulose- a fruit sugar more easily tolerated by diabetics as opposed to glucose or fructose, protection at cellular level against free radicals, relieving fever, preventing Nephritis, Acidosis and the list just goes on and on.

Honestly, we think it’s so good to taste, you might as well have a pear a day and also keep the doctor away!

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