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Cool as a cucumber!

Cucumber is said to have come to India and other parts of Asia along with the explorers and travellers. It is said to have originated in South Asia more than 10,000 years ago. In the ancient civilisations of Egypt, Greece and Rome it was not only used as a food, but also for its skin healing properties. Louis the XIV was so fond of cucumbers that he initiated its green house cultivation. It was introduced to United States by the early colonists. During early times, Spain was one of the countries pickling cucumbers and the Romans were said to have imported from them.

The gerkhin variety of cucumber is said to have been developed from a plant native to Africa. Sea cucumbers are not cucumbers at all. They are sea creatures shaped as a cucumber. The botanical name is Cucumis sativus which belongs to the gourd family.

96% of the cucumber consists of water. It also contains ascorbic acid caffeic acid fibre, silicia potassium, and magnesium. The skin of the cucumber is more rich in it’s contents.

Consumption of cucumber helps in various ways—

Cucumbers are most often eaten raw as salads along with green lettuce and celery thus making the meal wholesome. When used in pickles it looses much of its nutrients and so is less effective. Many cosmetic products have now been launched using the cucumber.

So be as cool as a cucumber and make the most of it!!

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