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All about corn and it’s benefits

The botanical name of Sweet corn is Zea mays rugosa and it is popularly known by many names as Indian corn, sweet corn, sugar corn, pole corn or even just corn. It is a variety of maize with high sugar content. While maize is harvested when the kernels are dry and mature, to be used as a grain, the sweet corn is picked when immature and full of milk to be used as a vegetable. As the sweet corn is stored, the milk in it slowly gets converted into starch and it becomes tough. Sweet corn is therefore best had fresh.

Sweet corn is believed to have originated in Peru and Mexico where the human population gradually domesticated it for use. From her it spread across the world while improving on its varieties.

It contains:– magnesium, potassium, iron, folate, niacin,(vitamin B3), thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin A, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These contents make the sweet corn beneficial to the organs of the body and help to build up strong bones and teeth. It also provides for good eyesight.

Sweet corn in the culinary world:

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