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Benefits of Artichoke

Artichoke! Well, we agree that it can be a wonderful fall accent or you can turn it into a great dinner with cream cheese spread but we beg to differ that there are layers more to this flowery looking, petal-y veggie, all hidden in its cuddled layers!

The globe artichoke is actually one of the oldest cultivated vegetable, recorded, and claims to originate from Ethiopia.Once rare, artichoke is cultivated heavily all over the United States today and also parts of Europe where it is considered as an effective digestive aid.

An excellent source of minerals and dietary fiber, artichokes are warehouse of vitamins and also contain a good dash of folic acid, vitamin C, Biotin and mineral manganese. In addition they are also rich in niacin, riboflavin, thiamin and potassium, which mean you have a complete dose of body essentials when you have an artichoke!

So, next time you buy them for your fall décor, consider eating them instead!

Fun Fact: Artichoke extract is completely ineffective on alcohol induced hangovers!

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