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Daily Detox: Fat Flushing Water

Fat flushing water

Steering clear of fat has never been this easy. Whether you are trying to lose weight or help your body detox, this rejuvenating blend of fruits and water will do the trick, all the while satisfying your tastebuds.

In my home, everyone’s fond of unhealthy food. Fried, cheese, butter, cream, cream cheese: the list goes on and on. So a woman’s gotta find trick to keep her family healthy, right? On one sultry Saturday, having eaten a lot and obviously feeling bloated, we came upon a possibility: if only drinking water could help lose weight. The thought was taken forward in form of a search and what we found out, changed our life forever. There is indeed a way to lose weight by drinking water and this recipe that I am about to give you was featured in “The Biggest Loser”.


Fat Flushing Water




Purified water

Grapefruit (sliced): 1/2

Tangerine: 1

Cucumber (sliced): 1

Peppermint leaves: 4




Pour ice, add respective fruits and leaves (each in one glass) and mull a little. This is to release the juices.

Add water and refrigerate.

You can keep sipping this water all day long: at lunch, dinner or even after your daily exercise. This recipe will not only refresh, but will also cut your fat out like magic.


If you feel like being a bit naughty, add a 60 ml Vodka Punch! 😉

If you feel like being a bit nice, add fruits of your choice to it!


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