Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Mysore Pak

Mysore Pak was first made in the kitchen of the Mysore Palace by a palace cook named Kakasura Madappa, and hence the sweet got the name “Mysore Pak”. The recipe is short and looks easy but the catch is in the preparation. It can give you heartaches (if it does not turn out well) and hand aches too (after continuous stirring). My Grandma tells me that in her younger days when she was learning the art of making the Mysore Pak, the entire procedure of getting the consistency of the sugar syrup and the mixture right would give her sleepless nights. This is not to discourage you but I too have committed a couple of disasters before I could get it right. The trick is to make the sugar syrup thick and keep stirring the mixture continuously 5 to 7 minutes after it gives out ghee and becomes one single lump. It should just drop off into the greased pan as a single mass for setting once you tilt the pan into it. Good luck!

Mysore Pak

Time taken: 40 min

Taste-o-meter: Sweet





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