Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Lime Smoothie

When it comes to Indian style cooking, no dish can be complete without that acidic lime taste. But whoever heard of a lime smoothie? Actually it tastes pretty good and you’ll certainly score points for creating something unusual. In addition, this makes for a very healthy drink as it is low in fat and carbohydrates as well as being a rich source of Vitamin C. So this refreshing drink is best medicine for people who suffer from various heart ailments.
Another variation of this drink can be created by using key lime yoghurt instead. Of course, you’ll get a tart and bitter flavor in place, so make note to add some great sweeteners to the concoction.
Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes
Serves: 4

• 1/2 cup lime
• 3/4 cup low-fat milk
• 1 cup lime sherbet (can be light or low fat)
• 1/2 cup raspberries
• 1 cup ice

• Slice the limes and tip into the blender.
• Slice the raspberries and tip into the blender.
• Blend once and then add the low –fat milk and lime sherbet.
• Stir with a flat spatula or spoon to create a smooth texture.
• Serve in a glass filled with ice or you can refrigerate till it is chilled.
Adding a slice of lime is a great final touch to give to the drink. This cooling drink goes well with a bag of tortilla chips and a spicy salsa dip. The yummiest TV snack ever!

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