Indian Food Recipes | Indian Cooking | Veg & Non Veg Recipes

Apple Pie Singlets

There are many variations to an Apple Pie, but most of you will agree that whatever is the variation, it tastes delicious! While baking Apple Pie Singlets, please note that the apple pieces in the Apple Pie are best if left a little crunchy, so ideally, do not use grated apples for this recipe. If you are not too sweet-toothed, little sour apples will work perfectly in your Apple Pie Singlets. The best Apple Pie Singlets are those which use a combination of two or three different kinds of apples, so that we get different texture and flavour contrasts in each bite. There are other Apple Pie lovers who choose only sweet apples for their pie filling, but in that case, a hint of lemon juice or zest will balance the sweetness.

Want some more variation for your Apple Pie Singlets? Why not make mini Apple Pies in mugs? Isn’t it a smart way to serve Apple Pie to your kids as well as your guests? And in this way, you are also exercising portion control! Here, however, we will make the traditional Apple Pie Singlets. Try it and let us know!


Apple Pie Singlets

Time taken: 1.45 h

Taste-o-meter: Sweet


Ingredients for the crust:


Ingredients for the filling:


Ingredients for the lattice top:





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