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Papaya –The Fruit of the Angels

Papaya comes from the plant Carica Papaya, a native to South and Central America and Mexico. Christopher Columbus was so taken up with its sweetness that he called it ‘the fruit of the angels’!

This fruit contains—-vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, thiamine, riboflavin, niacine, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, carotene, lycopene, folic acid, pantothenic acid, enzymes papain and chymopain that digests proteins.

Consumption of papaya

“Papain” from the papaya is most commonly used as a meat tenderiser. Eating a papaya after a heavy meal helps in easy digestion. Besides consumption as a fruit and in various cuisines (used raw), it has also found it’s way as a component in many of the cosmetics.

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