Ginger Mango Sorbet

Summer-time is incomplete without its share of coolers and sorbets, which are like saviors for our dry throats and dehydrated bodies. Served best when chilled, this ginger mango sorbet will leave you wanting for more. Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself.

Mango pulp – 1 cup
Grated ginger -1 tbsp
Sugar – 4 tbsp
Lemon juice – 3 tbsp
3 lemons’ rind (skin)
Mango slices – for garnishing

How to make :

  1. In a pan containing 1 cup of water, add the grated ginger and sugar. Allow it to simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  2. After letting this syrup cool completely, add the lemon juice and rind to it.
  3. Mix well after adding the mango pulp to it.
  4. Transfer this mixture in a container and let it freeze till it’s slushy.
  5. Beat this mixture after removing it from the freezer and until the ice crystals in it are broken down.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 after freezing again.
  7. Around 10 minutes before serving, place the sorbet in the refrigerator from the freezer for it to soften.
  8. Place an ice-cream scoop and serve before the ice-cream begins to melt. Garnish with mango slices. Luscious ginger mango sorbet is ready to be gulped.

Prep Time:PT 10 Minutes
Cook Time:PT 10 Minutes
Total Time:PT 30 Minutes

Rating: 4,
2 reviews
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